Zane Athletic Checklist
Below is a checklist to assist you in preparation for trying out for a Zane sports team. Once on a team, the checklist provides you with information to help maintain your athlete status.
Student Athlete Checklist
Parent Checklist
- 2.0 GPA with no F's, maintained quarterly.
- Sports packet completed and on file in ZMS office.
- Conduct yourself in a Respectful manner on and off the court.
- Be Responsible with uniform and equipment.
- Personal Vehicle form for transportation to games and tournaments.
- Attend practices, games, tournaments. Contact coach if otherwise.
- Attend school 1/2 day (4 periods) to participate in practices, games and tournaments.
- Athletic contract signed.
- Enroll in After School Program (free of charge).
- Attend After School Program when not at practice.